Donation of Food as Charity at Bhaskar Punj Foundation

100% of your donation funds food & clean water.

Donate food for charity. We’re on a mission...

We are cooking and distributing around 10000 thousand plus Free Khichdi meals daily. Make a small food donation today and help the hungry and poor people.
Donate food to the poor for charity & social welfare with Bhaskar Punj Foundation. Bhaskar Punj Foundation working for the differently abled and underprivileged of our community. Help us to feed poor and their families outside hospitals, Your small contribution will support us to feed family members & caregivers of underprivileged patients in the hospital ‘Inclusiveness’.

Help us to feed poor and their families outside hospitals

What about those who can barely afford to eat three square meals a day? What about those who are reliant on medicines and save the little they have for medicines?


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Bhaskar Punj Foundation is a non-profit organisation engaged in building livelihoods in a sustainable manner through the implementation of large-scale development interventions .