Blanket donations

₹0 of ₹50,000 raised

Blankets donation in winter means cuddling under the blanket for warmth and helping people with the support them.

Every winter, our organization, Bhaskar Punj Foundation runs Blanket Donation Campaign, where we provide high quality warm blankets along with dry ration.

Your support is needed to Provide Livelihood Support & Economic Assistance, Food Supplies.

There is no better gift than providing warm clothing to the needy during winter season.

Many of homeless experience bitterness of winter and are at a great risk of suffering from severe illnesses.

it has given us an opportunity to serve humanity by donating blankets to the needy. this winter, become a part of our mission. There cannot be a bigger satisfaction than saving someone’s life.

In all busy, public places like hospital, railway stations you will find them very old and destitute people begging or simply wandering around.

You can sponsor clothes, blankets, toiletries, sweaters for distribution. You can contribute food material like rice, dal, vegetables.

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Donation Total: ₹5,000